A Course
In Miracles

Authorized Online Edition
Workbook For Students



God’s peace and joy are mine.

1. 1God’s peace and joy are yours. 2Today we will accept them, knowing they belong to us. 3And we will try to understand these gifts increase as we receive them. 4They are not like to the gifts the world can give, in which the giver loses as he gives the gift; the taker is the richer by his loss. 5Such are not gifts, but bargains made with guilt. 6The truly given gift entails no loss. 7It is impos­sible that one can gain because another loses. 8This implies a limit and an insufficiency.

2. 1No gift is given thus. 2Such “gifts” are but a bid for a more valuable return; a loan with interest to be paid in full; a temporary lending, meant to be a pledge of debt to be repaid with more than was received by him who took the gift. 3This strange distortion of what giving means pervades all levels of the world you see. 4It strips all meaning from the gifts you give, and leaves you nothing in the ones you take.

3. 1A major learning goal this course has set is to reverse your view of giving, so you can receive. 2For giving has become a source of fear, and so you would avoid the only means by which you can receive. 3Accept God’s peace and joy, and you will learn a different way of looking at a gift. 4God’s gifts will never lessen when they are given away. 5They but increase thereby.

4. 1As Heaven’s peace and joy intensify when you accept them as God’s gift to you, so does the joy of your Creator grow when you accept His joy and peace as yours. 2True giving is creation. 3It extends the limitless to the unlimited, eternity to timelessness, and love unto itself. 4It adds to all that is complete already, not in simple terms of adding more, for that implies that it was less before. 5It adds by letting what cannot contain itself fulfill its aim of giving everything it has away, securing it forever for itself.

5. 1Today accept God’s peace and joy as yours. 2Let Him complete Himself as He defines completion. 3You will understand that what completes Him must complete His Son as well. 4He cannot give through loss. 5No more can you. 6Receive His gift of joy and peace today, and He will thank you for your gift to Him.

6. 1Today our practice periods will start a little differently. 2Begin today by thinking of those brothers who have been denied by you the peace and joy that are their right under the equal laws of God. 3Here you denied them to yourself. 4And here you must return to claim them as your own.

7. 1Think of your “enemies” a little while, and tell each one, as he occurs to you:

2My brother, peace and joy I offer you,
That I may have God’s peace and joy as mine.

3Thus you prepare yourself to recognize God’s gifts to you, and let your mind be free of all that would prevent success today. 4Now are you ready to accept the gift of peace and joy that God has given you. 5Now are you ready to experience the joy and peace you have denied yourself. 6Now you can say, “God’s peace and joy are mine,” for you have given what you would receive.

8. 1You must succeed today, if you prepare your mind as we sug­gest. 2For you have let all bars to peace and joy be lifted up, and what is yours can come to you at last. 3So tell yourself, “God’s peace and joy are mine,” and close your eyes a while, and let His Voice assure you that the words you speak are true.

9. 1Spend your five minutes thus with Him each time you can today, but do not think that less is worthless when you cannot give Him more. 2At least remember hourly to say the words which call to Him to give you what He wills to give, and wills you to receive. 3Determine not to interfere today with what He wills. 4And if a brother seems to tempt you to deny God’s gift to him, see it as but another chance to let yourself receive the gifts of God as yours. 5Then bless your brother thankfully, and say:

6My brother, peace and joy I offer you,
That I may have God’s peace and joy as mine.