A Course
In Miracles

Authorized Online Edition
Workbook For Students



Your peace is with me, Father. I am safe.

1. 1Your peace surrounds me, Father. 2Where I go, Your peace goes there with me. 3It sheds its light on everyone I meet. 4I bring it to the desolate and lonely and afraid. 5I give Your peace to those who suffer pain, or grieve for loss, or think they are bereft of hope and happiness. 6Send them to me, my Father. 7Let me bring Your peace with me. 8For I would save Your Son, as is Your Will, that I may come to recognize my Self.

2. 1And so we go in peace. 2To all the world we give the message that we have received. 3And thus we come to hear the Voice for God, Who speaks to us as we relate His Word; Whose Love we recognize because we share the Word that He has given unto us.